============ Installation ============ Prerequisites ============= * ElasticSearch 2.x * elasticsearch python package * cerbere python package for data tiling only Installing the ElasticSearch cluster ==================================== To setup the ElasticSearch cluster, you will need to install ElasticSearch on each node of the ES_NODES list. This guide describes the installation of ElasticSearch from source, but you can use your operating system package manager to install it automatically. Requirements ------------ * SSH access to each node in ES_NODES * Java JDK installed on each node Instructions ------------ On one of the nodes in ES_NODES (we will call this node NODE1): 1. Install elasticsearch Refer to Elasticsearch documentation for installation and set-up. .. important:: Elasticsearch version must be >= 2.0. 2. Install the elasticsearch-head plugin .. sourcecode:: bash cd /opt/elasticsearch-2.3 bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head 3. Install naiad Get naiad source code: .. sourcecode:: bash git clone https://git.cersat.fr/cersat/naiad.git Go into the source code repository and run: .. sourcecode:: bash sudo pip install . 4. Other useful python packages for contribs tilers https://git.cersat.fr/cerbere/cerform The following steps are for ElasticSearch installed on a cluster: 5. Edit configuration file config/elasticsearch.yml .. sourcecode:: yaml cluster.name: felyx_cluster network.host: discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", "", ..., ""] .. If you plan to use a cluster, but only use one node, remove/comment the discovery.* properties. * Replace by the actual IP address of the current node * Replace , , ..., by the IP addresses of all the nodes contained in ES_NODES. 5. Start ElasticSearch .. sourcecode:: bash /opt/elasticsearch-2.3/bin/elasticsearch The first ElasticSearch node should now be up and running, all that's left is to do the same for the other nodes. On each remaining node: .. sourcecode:: bash scp -r NODE1:/opt/elasticsearch-2.3 /opt It should allow you to skip step 1., 2. and 3. Then repeat steps 4. (you should just change the "network.host" setting) and 5. Test ==== Open a webbrowser on http://:9200/_plugin/head/ (replace by the IP address of one the ElasticSearch nodes), you should see the cluster status page, listing all the nodes currently connected. Check that they are all listed on this page: if a node is not there, check it's configuration and restart ElasticSearch.